Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Long time no blog.

Hey all.

I've been super busy with life and what not. I have done a ton of artwork which you can check out at my dA accounts. &

This is just a small update. So long farwell, I'll update sometime soon.

God Bless.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Haven't updated in a while eh?

Hello there. I've been super busing that I haven't updated. I feel horrible. I hope you will forgive me. :)

Anyways here are some things I've worked on.









tekno with my smiley guy listen to techno




tekno with girlie skull

Gold with smiley. For


The crew I'm apart of. SWC. Soul Writers Crew

Shamless drawing for American Parkour (fanart)


Drawing I did for my cousin. Her name is Nikki. :)

Well that's what I've drawn for the past 2 moths. :) I've been working mostly in graffiti, but I've also been drawing stuff I usually draw. Hope you enjoy. God Bless.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

UPDATE finally

Well wow. I haven't been on this blog in forever. So anyways update. I've been drawing just not as much as I want but I've been drawing. Anyways, here's some art.

A character I designed.

Tattoo design. Cherry blossoms and Kanji for warrior.

Graffiti. It's for some competition. There is a new country every week. Visit

So that's it. Enjoy and God Bless!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Are you a Na'vi? I believe so.

Why hello all!!! I have a bit of a update. I've gotten through some real tough and bad art block. Probably my worst yet. I've been watching Avatar a lot. It speaks about a lot and how to preserve not only their planet but speaks about saving ours. Anyways, I love it. It's very pleasing to the eye and the story is awesome. Anyways, so artwork. Obviously I've been inspired by this movie and I've decided to draw a original character from this beautiful movie. I don't have a name for him yet, but I like his mohawk I drew. :] I do need to fix a few things, the tail and hand for instance. Anyways here it is. Enjoy and go watch this movie. :]

God Bless.

Friday, April 23, 2010

What's this? A update? No way!

Updating finally. Been super busy with life and I had taken a week off from the computer and it helped to focus on alot of things. I've been drawing and I've been writing alot more also. So I thought I'd post a picture for everyone. :] This drawing is for my cousins recording studio in Las Vegas, One Purpose Studios. :] I have more planned for the studio and I can't wait to get it started.

God Bless

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

WHOA it's a update!!!

Whoa I haven't posted since March 24th. I'm a drawing away and I will have some new art posted ASAP. I drew a Easter picture but I still need to finish it. I had alot going on so I've been drawing when I got the chance, but it's good that I'm drawing and it's making me happy that I am drawing because it's letting me release some emotion and just using it as a release. Anyways, thought I'd update y'all. Have a great day and God Bless. :]

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New silhouettes, yes.

Well I have some new parkour silhouettes so I thought I'd post another I <3 PK design with the new silhouettes. Enjoy and God Bless!! :]