Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm BACK!!!

Hey there everyone! I'm finally back from my grandparents. I got back late late last night so I didn't post. I didn't bring my sketchbook so there are currently no drawings right now. So I will be getting drawing. :) I would like to pimp a blog I follow that I enjoy. It'sCreative Sense. It's a great blog. Well I better get drawing because I have some great ideas right now. So I'm off drawing away and reading. That's the two things I do the most and listen to music but that's like second nature. Anyways this is my little update. I do have a picture to post. I drew this for my friend Jackie. It's a tattoo design. :)


Enjoy and have a great day everyone!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Hey everyone I finally can blog from my cell phone! So I will be blogging this weekend about whatever I find inspiring since I'm flying out to Reno today and probably won't be back until Monday. I will take pictures of what I find and it might possibly inspire me. :) But since I should be packing and making sure I have everything I will leave you with my Box. I do not have a name for him or her yet but I believe I will stick with the Box. Anyways, enjoy and let me know if you would like to see anything else. Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Update 2/17/2010

So I've been drawing literally from dusk til dawn, and I've got alot of creative things flowing in my mind. So be prepared for some new art I'll be posting up. Anyways, I will probably have a new post up tomorrow before I leave for the weekend. So I'll post some art for you and possibly a poem.

So this was my take on the Day of the Dead skull but more as a tattoo for a character.  Colored with permanent markers, Sharpies.


This next piece of art I did for my Graphic Communications class, we were doing screen printing. This specific piece is on the back of 2 shirts I printed. It is also a tattoo I've always wanted to get. 

So, I can draw tattoo designs. If this is requested more I will draw more. :) Enjoy and God Bless.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update 2/16/2010

So I deleted my old blog because I had changed the template. So this is still Parrish Design's. :) So here is the artwork I have put up previously. The first one is what I called the Freedom Design 1. It's something I designed way back. The second is some fanart of a character, Cree, from a manga called RE: Play. Well enjoy this little update.
