Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New silhouettes, yes.

Well I have some new parkour silhouettes so I thought I'd post another I <3 PK design with the new silhouettes. Enjoy and God Bless!! :]

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New parkour t-shirt design

Well with this post I am updating y'all about some new designs I'm coming up with. I've got more silhouettes of various movements from parkour than what I have. So I will be having a more varied I <3 PK t-shirt design. So there will be new I <3 PK designs coming up. Anyways on my facebook page, Parrish Design's, has 239 fans and I couldn't be happier. I'm surprised I have that many fans. So if I reach 300 fans I will draw something that the 300th fan would like. :] Anyways, I'm still looking around on how to screen print at home because I want to print my I <3 PK designs and other designs in the near future. Also I am working on the LVPK designs. They are coming out alright. They definitely need some touch ups. Oh, so I have a new Parkour design. It's a crest and you can see some of my new silhouettes that I have. :] I enjoy this design very much.

I like this design a lot. Anyways that's my update for now. Enjoy and God Bless. :]

Friday, March 19, 2010

New art :]

Well I have some new artwork. This is for the LVPK or Lehigh Valley Parkour community. :] It's not on the down low anymore so I'm going to post it. It is a alligator so you all know. :]

That is the original. It's actually a bit longer than this.

Flat colors.

My attempt at blending colors.

Then one with the longer snout. I also put the Parrish Art Design's and LVPK, I was doodling without realizing I was doodling on.

Well that's it for now. I'm still working on this design and have a few more ideas to work with this particular design. Enjoy and God Bless.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day!!!! 3/17/2010

Well today is my moms birthday so I have no new art up because I will be trying to spend as much time with her as possible. :] I am designing some things for a parkour community asked by a wonderful Traceuse. But it's all on the DOWN LOW because it's supposed to be a surprise. So that is all I'm saying for that. I'm drawing away. I also have a interview today at Home Depot. If I get this job that means I have money for some art supplies and what not. :] But that is just my little update for everyone. Have a Happy (& SAFE) St. Patrick's Day! God Bless.

PS. That is pretty epic. I would love to see that for real.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Update!!!!! It's almost St. Patrick's Day

Well it's almost St. Patrick's day and I can't wait. It's also my moms birthday!!! Anyways, I've been drawing and designing some stuff for some Parkour community's and just Parkour t-shirts in general. I should show ya people some design's I got for the PK shirts.

So that's some of my design's. :] I'm excited because I am going to be printing these. Anyways that's just my little update for now. Oh and I'm going to leave with a parting shot of myself! lol

That was me after practicing my parkour rolls in the snow. :] God Bless!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Well well well....

Well I didn't get the job but that's okay. It just wasn't mean to be apparently. :) But I have been drawing away. I finished a drawing last night for my aunt that she had asked me to draw a while back. And I'm finally proud to say, I finally finished it. All she wanted was a girl she could paint on the back of a jean jacket for her Boutique. It's called Taylor Mae Boutique and you should visit her Facebook page to see what cute things she's coming up with. My aunt is pretty talented. I'm taking it run's in the family too. But anyways this is the drawing I did for her. I don't care for it much only because it looks kind of funky to me, and not in a good way. I love it except for the body is just, I don't know, I just don't think it's any good. Anyways, here it is. : )

So that's that. I will have some new drawings up and posted soon. : ) Enjoy and God Bless.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Inspiration? Possibly

Hey there everyone. I've been drawing away and will hopefully have some new art up ASAP. I've been drawing away and it's been great. I recently found some music that inspires me so much and I've just been in a creative kind of mood for days. It's awesome, no art block. Anyways thought I'd give a bit of a update. Oh, I might have a job so my posting won't be like it is if I get it. Anyways, if I do get this job that means money for supplies. YESH! Anywho that's my little update for now. :)

God Bless.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's March!

Well it's finally March, that means St. Patrick's Day, and my mother's birthday. Plus, spring is here. But a little bit of a update. I'm drawing away, I was actually drawing for a contest on deviantArt. It's for this new movie that I don't remember the title for, but it comes out March 16th or 19th, one of those days. I am also going to be drawing some characters from the Warrior Cat book series, which I'm honestly in love with, they're quite good in my opinion, for my cousin's room, he wants a mural on his wall. It will be awesome. Anyways, I'm drawing away and hopefully by my next post I will be able to have some art done and ready to show, well at least some new stuff. I will post my stab at realism drawing. It's Clarion Mardimil from the Blending book series, he goes by Rion. I'm not sure if I posted it before so I'm just going to post it again. :)

 Enjoy and God Bless. :)