Friday, March 12, 2010

Well well well....

Well I didn't get the job but that's okay. It just wasn't mean to be apparently. :) But I have been drawing away. I finished a drawing last night for my aunt that she had asked me to draw a while back. And I'm finally proud to say, I finally finished it. All she wanted was a girl she could paint on the back of a jean jacket for her Boutique. It's called Taylor Mae Boutique and you should visit her Facebook page to see what cute things she's coming up with. My aunt is pretty talented. I'm taking it run's in the family too. But anyways this is the drawing I did for her. I don't care for it much only because it looks kind of funky to me, and not in a good way. I love it except for the body is just, I don't know, I just don't think it's any good. Anyways, here it is. : )

So that's that. I will have some new drawings up and posted soon. : ) Enjoy and God Bless.