Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New parkour t-shirt design

Well with this post I am updating y'all about some new designs I'm coming up with. I've got more silhouettes of various movements from parkour than what I have. So I will be having a more varied I <3 PK t-shirt design. So there will be new I <3 PK designs coming up. Anyways on my facebook page, Parrish Design's, has 239 fans and I couldn't be happier. I'm surprised I have that many fans. So if I reach 300 fans I will draw something that the 300th fan would like. :] Anyways, I'm still looking around on how to screen print at home because I want to print my I <3 PK designs and other designs in the near future. Also I am working on the LVPK designs. They are coming out alright. They definitely need some touch ups. Oh, so I have a new Parkour design. It's a crest and you can see some of my new silhouettes that I have. :] I enjoy this design very much.

I like this design a lot. Anyways that's my update for now. Enjoy and God Bless. :]