Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's March!

Well it's finally March, that means St. Patrick's Day, and my mother's birthday. Plus, spring is here. But a little bit of a update. I'm drawing away, I was actually drawing for a contest on deviantArt. It's for this new movie that I don't remember the title for, but it comes out March 16th or 19th, one of those days. I am also going to be drawing some characters from the Warrior Cat book series, which I'm honestly in love with, they're quite good in my opinion, for my cousin's room, he wants a mural on his wall. It will be awesome. Anyways, I'm drawing away and hopefully by my next post I will be able to have some art done and ready to show, well at least some new stuff. I will post my stab at realism drawing. It's Clarion Mardimil from the Blending book series, he goes by Rion. I'm not sure if I posted it before so I'm just going to post it again. :)

 Enjoy and God Bless. :)